Truth Under a Harvest Moon by B.W. Harold
Photo by Marta Savelyeva She didn't know what she was doing out in the crisp autumn night. The only thing that kept her from giving up...
Book Review -- Band in the Wind by: William John Rostron
Hey guys! As promised I am writing a separate review for Band in the Wind by William John Rostron. The reason I want to do a rewrite is...
Book Review: A Cobbler’s Tale by Neil Perry Gordon
4 Questions to Ask Before Marriage
As unromantic as it sounds, the topic of money in a marriage is one of the big questions. It's right up there with kids, living...
The Difference Between a Church and a Chapel
The majority of the New Testament is devoted to teaching new believers how to operate a church. Many Christians (well-meaning Christians)...
A hard earned lesson... Book Review -- Band in the Wind by William John Rostron
Ahhhh! I am so mad at myself right now! I wrote a review for William John Rostron’s Band in the Wind, and when I finished, turned it in,...
A Study of the Book of Ecclesiastes
In twelve chapters King Solomon covers all the things that people allow to become idols. From pleasure to work, King David's son tried...